Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 2 of this project saw participation from some newer faces. Your blogger had to work his real job today, but I did get to take a few photos and to get the 'skinny' on some of the crew and their escapades. (As you might have guessed, that's real easy to do with this bunch. Someone is always eager to throw someone else under the bus!)

Ed, Byron, Frank and Mark were at it again today and were joined by Russell and Joan. Yesterday's returning foursome, at the close of today, wondered 2 things: why didn't they just put on their wet clothes from yesterday, and, what do they have that's dry that they can wear tomorrow. (In fact, Byron had a tennis shoe blowout, a flat, that you can see in one of the photos. Not good.) I think we're going to rename this mission project 'The Noah Project'. We have our own Sea of Galilee right here in Orange Park.

Well, I was wondering how long it would take, and who the winner would be, that would put a nail into a PVC water line. If you guessed Day 2, and Mark Eckles, you would be correct! When it was explained to me this afternoon, it was said, "It was sooooo close to missing! In fact it was just a tiny nick in the pipe." But it still had to have an emergency repair to keep the water from imitating Yosemite in the wall! Like we needed more water at the site!!!

Cherryl was today's lunch caterer; thanks for seeing to it that the workers today were well-nourished, even though it was not a nice day for a picnic.

The blogger needs to come clean and explain one of the photographs. You probably were wondering why I included a lovely picture of Ed's sturdy, yellow, metal (steel) saw horses. If you ask Frank, he would tell you it's because Ed needs a photo as documentation for an insurance claim against yours truly. See, yesterday I was fastidiously cutting away when it felt like I had hit a knot, or even a nail, in one of the boards that were on said saw horses. Little did I realize that someone had adjusted the depth of cut on 'my' circular saw and I proceeded to almost cut Ed's 2 steel saw horses into 4 pieces. See those perfect cuts? Things of beauty. I even managed to cut off one of the handles. He didn't believe me, that I could even do that but, hey, I'm good at whatever I do!!!

We will begin Day 3 tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., 'Lord willing and the creek don't rise'. How true, how true, how true.