The siding was delivered today and that was the extent of our work! Ed and Ron were on hand to accept the delivery and check things in and the rest of us either worked at our regular jobs today or rested.
If you will allow me to whine (I'm going to do it anyway. Why did I ask?!) it's been really hot and we kind of 'hit a wall' and needed a rest. I'm sure we'll be refreshed and ready to get going again tomorrow and Saturday!
Some folks just don't understand editorial license so I feel compelled to express a clarification. Our pastor complained that he was completely misrepresented in my Tuesday blog post. (He should have known, however, that when you're dealing with this group, anything goes... and no one is immune from the writer's pen.) That not withstanding, he did NOT actually name names each time he vigorously used that hammer stapler. And while I can NOT read his mind to know what he was thinking when he was swinging that thing, I do know that voicing names he did not do. We can only guess what he was thinking but now that I've had a chance to think about it, since it is Shepherd Richard we're talking about here we must assume that it was something Holy. We're thankful that you were willing to serve and minister with us and to lower yourself to the level of getting sweaty and getting your nice white tennis shoes muddy!
Well everyone, as I mentioned earlier, we will be working all day Friday and all day Saturday. The building inspector is scheduled to pay us a visit tomorrow, Friday, so he can tell us how wonderful a job we have done thus far! Once he has complimented us, we can begin to cover up what we've done and install the real siding.
Thanks again for checking in on us on this blog and for supporting those of us doing the manual labor. I don't know about a village, but it takes a congregation!